Sunset United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Love. Live. Lead the Gospel!

Food Pantry / ¡Despensa de alimentos!


Sunset Food Pantry!

Director - Mr. Mike Hale

Pastoral Supervisor - Pastor Victor Robles

Our Food-Bank continues to remain open in order to serve our community and help feed our neighbors in need.

All the food given and received has been provided by the blessed gifts of our members, community, and local businesses and churches.  We would not be able to serve as many people as we do without their help!

Due to the Health and Safety of our Volunteers, the Food Bank will operate in a Drive-Through method until further notice.

If you are in need of food, please be aware of the following guidelines - 

The Food Pantry is Open from 9am - 12pm, Monday - Wednesday 

No ID or Proof of Citizenship is Required to Receive Assistance

Please Stay In Your Car, Our Volunteers will Bring the Food to You

You may come and receive food once a week.


¡Despensa de alimentos!

Nuestro Banco de Alimentos continúa abierto para servir a nuestra comunidad y ayudar a alimentar a nuestros vecinos necesitados.

Toda la comida dada y recibida ha sido provista por los dones bendecidos de nuestros miembros, la comunidad y las empresas e iglesias locales. ¡No podríamos servir a tantas personas como lo hacemos sin su ayuda!

Debido a la salud y seguridad de nuestros voluntarios, el Banco de Alimentos operará en un método de conducción hasta nuevo aviso.

Si necesita alimentos, tenga en cuenta las siguientes pautas:

La despensa de alimentos está abierta de 9 a.m. a 12 p.m., de lunes a miércoles

No se requiere identificación ni prueba de ciudadanía para recibir asistencia

Por favor, quédese en su automóvil, nuestros voluntarios le llevarán la comida

Puede venir y recibir comida una vez por semana.




709 Allendale
Pasadena, Texas 77502
(713) 473-7657
Maps & Directions(Dirección)

Matthew 28:19-20 New International Version (NIV)
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Here at Sunset we live into our call to serve and love all God's people!